Saturday, May 8, 2010


Freelance Illustration


Portfolio Diversity - people, kids, animals, vehicles, buildings, trees (art directors won’t believe it 'til they see it)

Resumé - they’re looking for repeat clients (shows you’re reliable)

Learn Photoshop - levels, cropping, resizing, layers, text


Harvest similar artists' client lists (especially recent RISD grads)

Target the types of publications which use a style similar to yours

Look for payment prices on publisher’s websites - under $100 is too low

Read each publisher's submission guidelines: 
  • some have strange directions (file format, size, etc)
  • some won't look at digital portfolios
  • some require assignment pieces
Summer goal: Send 100 email cover letters to different publishers

Optional goal: Seek out an agent


They want 3 things from you - a predictable style, a finish that matches the sketch, and the ability to meet deadlines

Communicate clearly:
  • ask for deadlines up front
  • send a sketch (or sketches)
  • say you’ll wait for their feedback on the sketch before starting the final

In-House Design



Spelling Perfection - your/you’re & there/their/they’re are crucial

Personality - infuse your personality into your cover letter, but not your resumé

Connections are key (RISD, friends from previous jobs)


Be Friendly - they want to hire someone they want to be around, so smile!

Stay Positive - don’t criticize yourself or others

Conquer their Questions 
Your weakness: perfectionist, but you adapt to meet deadlines
Your strengths: creative, fast learner, hard worker, problem solver, people person, punctual, flexible to change

Helpful Links